
Hermit's Hollow Paranormal Society

Chest Monsters

You’re walking in the woods when you see it: a filing cabinet, pristine and new, sitting in the middle of the woods. Or maybe a wardrobe, or a cabinet, or an antique chest. Regardless, it sits in the middle of trees and brush, appearing to almost have been plucked from a house and placed gently in the forest.

Regardless of how tempting it appears: do not open the chest.

This phenomenon is one of the Hollow’s many curiosities, which is ironic given how nonplussed people react when confronted with it. Yes, yes, everybody know about the chests in the woods, but does anybody know why they’re there or how they got there?

According to friend and forest ranger, Gem Tay, “The chests have always been there. In highschool, everyone would talk about them, how we weren’t supposed to touch them and all that. But we never really asked why. It’s like, why would you ask how gravity works when you’re too busy with exams or bills, right?”

I, personally, have never seen these so-called “Chest-Monsters”, but pictures of them exist online. I’ve asked Gem to take me out to see one, but apparently you can’t just look for them in the wild.

“You sorta just stumble on them, y’know?” Gem had said. “You can’t just look for something that doesn’t want to be found.”

Despite my extensive research, these Chest Monsters remain a mystery. What happens if you touch them? Where do they come from? And, more importantly, what’s inside?